Problems with dissolving stitches...
(too old to reply)
2005-02-25 16:04:38 UTC
I had my conventional Vas procedure performed on Feb 10th, just over
two weeks ago, and I've run into a slight problem with the stitches on
my left incision. Overall the procedure went well and I only had slight
bruising and pain associated with the right testicle area. That
testical sits higher and caused the doctor some difficulty in
performing the procedure on that vas. Then about a week later the right
incision started bothering me and it looked red and bit swollen. I
went to the emergency department, it was the weekend, and the doctor
felt there may be a slight skin infection so he put me on anti-biotics.
The left one was never an issue until a few days ago when the ends of
the stitches started to poke out of the ends of the incision. The ends
are grabbing onto my briefs and causing a fair amount of pain when
walking and moving. I have seen my surgeon and he isn't concerned about
an infection because there is no other pain in the area and there is
not reddening or swelling. Also, I am on the anti-biotics so I have any
possible infection convered...

My question, how long should it take for these dissoving stitches to
fall out and is there anything I can do to aid them along the way...

It really is becoming annoying...That and my hair growing back...

Bruce L.
2005-02-25 16:49:33 UTC
Put some cotton over the stitches and a Band-Aid to hold it in place . . . ?
Post by rbart4506
I had my conventional Vas procedure performed on Feb 10th, just over
two weeks ago, and I've run into a slight problem with the stitches on
my left incision. Overall the procedure went well and I only had slight
bruising and pain associated with the right testicle area. That
testical sits higher and caused the doctor some difficulty in
performing the procedure on that vas. Then about a week later the right
incision started bothering me and it looked red and bit swollen. I
went to the emergency department, it was the weekend, and the doctor
felt there may be a slight skin infection so he put me on anti-biotics.
The left one was never an issue until a few days ago when the ends of
the stitches started to poke out of the ends of the incision. The ends
are grabbing onto my briefs and causing a fair amount of pain when
walking and moving. I have seen my surgeon and he isn't concerned about
an infection because there is no other pain in the area and there is
not reddening or swelling. Also, I am on the anti-biotics so I have any
possible infection convered...
My question, how long should it take for these dissoving stitches to
fall out and is there anything I can do to aid them along the way...
It really is becoming annoying...That and my hair growing back...
2005-02-25 16:58:08 UTC
Post by rbart4506
My question, how long should it take for these dissoving stitches to
fall out and is there anything I can do to aid them along the way...
It really is becoming annoying...That and my hair growing back...
Oh yes - I remember this.

Mine took about two weeks to disolve. I believe there are several types of
thread, all with different disolvability for different purposes. The last
stitch took over two weeks to go, and like you, it kept catching in my
underwear. I got totally pissed off with it in the end, and in the bath I
removed it myself. The knot had disolved and there were just the two ends
sticking out. I absolutely am not advising you to pull out your stitches
here!!!!! It is a case of waiting. You do have the possibility of infection
covered, but I appreciate it's a right pain.
2005-02-28 12:42:43 UTC
Post by David
Post by rbart4506
My question, how long should it take for these dissoving stitches to
fall out and is there anything I can do to aid them along the way...
It really is becoming annoying...That and my hair growing back...
Oh yes - I remember this.
Mine took about two weeks to disolve. I believe there are several types of
thread, all with different disolvability for different purposes. The last
stitch took over two weeks to go, and like you, it kept catching in my
underwear. I got totally pissed off with it in the end, and in the bath I
removed it myself. The knot had disolved and there were just the two ends
sticking out. I absolutely am not advising you to pull out your stitches
here!!!!! It is a case of waiting. You do have the possibility of infection
covered, but I appreciate it's a right pain.
Well I took your advice to a degree. I sat in a bath and picked at the
stitches a bit and I got them all out easily except for one remaining
stitch in the bad incision. That stitch seems to be holding on so I
didn't force it. I covered that one with Polysporin and some gauze.
That seemed to help a lot and I feel so much better now. Now it's just
a matter of waiting for that last one to loosen off and then I think
I'm free and clear.

2005-03-16 12:35:31 UTC
Post by David
Post by rbart4506
My question, how long should it take for these dissoving stitches to
fall out and is there anything I can do to aid them along the way...
It really is becoming annoying...That and my hair growing back...
Oh yes - I remember this.
Mine took about two weeks to disolve. I believe there are several types of
thread, all with different disolvability for different purposes. The last
stitch took over two weeks to go, and like you, it kept catching in my
underwear. I got totally pissed off with it in the end, and in the bath I
removed it myself. The knot had disolved and there were just the two ends
sticking out. I absolutely am not advising you to pull out your stitches
here!!!!! It is a case of waiting. You do have the possibility of infection
covered, but I appreciate it's a right pain.

An update to the story I sent in to the Vasectomy-Information site and
a quick question. In case you don't remember I'm the avid mountain
biker who had his vas 5 weeks ago.

Like I said above I had my vas almost 5 weeks ago and things are
progressing along, albiet slower then I had expected. I had been under
the impression, after talking to the surgeon and quick searches of the
web, that this was an easy procedure and that everything would be a ok
and back to normal after a few weeks. Granted things have not been too
bad for me, but not as easy and as good as I would have wished. It's
even made me think at times if it was worth doing. I'm sure a year from
now that I will feel differently and be happy to have had the procedure

Well, back to the update...

My incisions have finally healed with my last stitch falling out in the
4th week. Actually the last stitch was ripped out and didn't actually
fall out. I went to visit the washroom at work and when lowering my
briefs I felt a small tug and pain around my incision, I looked down
and the stitch was gone. The small amount of pain was worth it to get
the stitch out. At this point the incision was a bit red and I made
sure to use Polysporin for a few days to make sure everything healed up
nice. I'm able to ride my bike on my trainer for 60 minutes, like
before the procedure, and am virtually pain free. The only issue I'm
really having now is a discomfort on the right side at the top of my
scrotum that radiates into my pelvic and hip area. I find that
overdoing it at the gym, or around the house, lifting weight will
increase the pain and discomfort. I've continued wearing briefs at
night and using ice and ibuprofen when the discomfort is present. I
must admit that lately that this pain has become less of an issue, in
otherwords I am seeing progress on that front. On the sexual side of
things I have noticed a slight change. My ejaculations seem to have
less force and there doesn't seem to be as much volume. There is no
real pain or discomfort, however which is a good thing. The one thing I
did notice last night in the shower was that my ejaculate had a small
amount of blood in it. I am aware this can happen, but always thought
it was something that occurred with your first few ejaculations and not
after 5 weeks. Also, a few days ago my ejaculate looked odd, it seemed
to have a small amount of a darker thicker substance....I think it
might have been dried blood...Are these things to worry about, or is it
normal?? I know I could call the surgeon and will if it continues.

2005-03-18 20:51:11 UTC
Post by rbart4506
An update to the story I sent in to the Vasectomy-Information site and
a quick question. In case you don't remember I'm the avid mountain
biker who had his vas 5 weeks ago.
Thanks for the update, and I'll add it to the site over the weekend. Re
blood in the ejaculate - it's not unheard of, and is sometimes mentioned by
some doctors websites as something that does happen occasionally. Actually
finding statistics for it is difficult. I would suggest that you contact
your doctor and let him know though.

http://www.vasectomy.com/htm/Vasectomy/anatomy.htm has the following
deffinition of the condition:-

Hematospermia - the presence of blood in a man's ejaculation. Usually it is
a benign condition due to a small ruptured blood vessel, and is usually of
no consequences. Occasionally it may be related to an infection and can be
treated with antibiotics.
2005-03-27 18:13:22 UTC
My dissolving stitches took 17 days to fall out. Then at about day 23 or so
I noticed something black in one of the stitch holes and picked at it with a
Q tip and it was another piece of stitch. The Dr said it was normal and that
depending on your own chemical composition in combination with the stitch
the time can vary.

Post by rbart4506
I had my conventional Vas procedure performed on Feb 10th, just over
two weeks ago, and I've run into a slight problem with the stitches on
my left incision. Overall the procedure went well and I only had slight
bruising and pain associated with the right testicle area. That
testical sits higher and caused the doctor some difficulty in
performing the procedure on that vas. Then about a week later the right
incision started bothering me and it looked red and bit swollen. I
went to the emergency department, it was the weekend, and the doctor
felt there may be a slight skin infection so he put me on anti-biotics.
The left one was never an issue until a few days ago when the ends of
the stitches started to poke out of the ends of the incision. The ends
are grabbing onto my briefs and causing a fair amount of pain when
walking and moving. I have seen my surgeon and he isn't concerned about
an infection because there is no other pain in the area and there is
not reddening or swelling. Also, I am on the anti-biotics so I have any
possible infection convered...
My question, how long should it take for these dissoving stitches to
fall out and is there anything I can do to aid them along the way...
It really is becoming annoying...That and my hair growing back...